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They all cheated

They all cheated

All my girlfriends and first wife fucked other guys behind my back, but eventually flaunted it. I thought it was cool they were so sexual. It turned me on. Guys pursued each of them. I acted big, all the guys wanted what I had. Funny thing is all of them eventually left me for guys with huge cocks. We all still live in the same town. When I see them they still flaunt it. My current wife, after a long talk exploring our life and loves, knows everything and has now started dating too. I'm not sure what it is they see in me that I don't know? -FH
FH Sex October 13, 2022 at 4:14 pm 0
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You seem to like that those women are fucked by others...
james 2 years ago
What you don't seem to know is that you are a real-life, natural cuckold.

I encourage you, be brave. You should should be who you are and what you are and declare yourself openly as a cuckold for your wife. It's all normal like any other sexual preference.

Many nationally known sex psychologist and counselors agree, cuckolding has become more understood as normal, is more and more popular and in fact is encouraged.

Be brave and be your self.
Barry 1 year ago
It is simple. It is who we are. We are cuckolds and we crave happiness and feel pride in the sexual independence of our wives and girlfriends. Cuckolding is a natural state for many of us men. We know deep inside our wives or girlfriends deserve to feel more pleasure and complete satisfaction.
I agree with Barry. Cuckolding is completely normal.
Marc 1 year ago
My wife said to md:
“Don’t be nervous. My love for you is unconditional. I know you can’t help it. You are who you are. So if you believe being a cuckold epitomizes your inner self. If you know it defines you. You should accept it. You should be proud of it. Your declaration will be the ultimate act of liberation. I promise to enable your every need. I’ll honor and support your proclamation as a symbol of commitment to our relationship and my love for you will blossom exponentially and our love life will expand in ways you can’t begin to imagine.”

Phillip 1 month ago
Fixed my typo...
My wife said to me:
“Don’t be nervous. My love for you is unconditional. I know you can’t help it. You are who you are. So if you believe being a cuckold epitomizes your inner self. If you know it defines you. You should accept it. You should be proud of it. Your declaration will be the ultimate act of liberation. I promise to enable your every need. I’ll honor and support your proclamation as a symbol of commitment to our relationship and my love for you will blossom exponentially and our love life will expand in ways you can’t begin to imagine.”
Phillip 1 month ago
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