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Queen of the night

Queen of the night

You might say I have lived an interesting life or you might think I am so full of shit my eyes are brown. I have had more surgical enhancements than anyone you know. You name it and I have done it. Boobs,Nose,Ears,Lips, Tummy, Thighs, Neck whatever-if it can be altered I have had it done. If you saw my picture at 19 and saw one of me today at 37 you would never guess I am the same woman. I make my living with my body and my looks. No I am not a prostitute or an actress. I am an exotic dancer ( I do topless, nude and sometimes if I can get it show girl) I am finding it harder to compete with the younger talent every day. I know soon I will be serving drinks and batting my false eyelashes at guys for bigger tips. It has been fun at times, challenging at times and occasionally scary or even dangerous. I have a few scars both physical and mental from my years doing this. If I had a daughter I wouldn’t want her to follow in my footsteps. I have paid my bills and traveled the country but never married or had children. I am basically on my own and alone but not lonely. Lots of friends and acquaintances but no family.
Liz Work April 26, 2024 at 5:12 pm 0
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11 Confession Comments
You still have time to have a kid......
Bob 3 months ago
Most of the women in your profession are not very crazy about men. Is that why you are unattached and childless??? Have you had a relationship with anyone in the recent past
Les 3 months ago
You don't need a man to make you happy. Men are jerks, idiots.
anonymous 3 months ago
Do you think your opinion about men could be based on your profession? I have been around a far amount of strippers in and out of their working environment. I think if you categorize them as being sluts whores and manipulative might be far but of course not 100%. Every one of them cheated by their confession and being around them. I had no desire to date them or be sexually with them it just wasn’t what I wanted in a women. With that said I wouldn’t classify all women as slits and cheaters. Perhaps looking outside of your environment may change your mind. With all of the enhancements that you have had and being in the stripper industry are you wifey material?

Kyle 3 months ago
Wifey Material Really???? How Bizarre is that!!! I have no desire whatsoever to be a wife or a mother. I like guys just fine.
Liz 3 months ago
Liz, please reconsider, I need a nice healthy lady yo be the Mother of my kid....I am well off...
Bob 3 months ago
Bob and Kyle
I should rephrase what I have said previously. Go back to square one. I have been a professional dancer since I was 19. I have worked in some real dumps and been subjected to some very crass individuals over the years. I have spent a small fortune to look better. I continue to spend a lot to look good and stay in shape. I work out like crazy—have a trainer—take dance from a professional instructor and buy professionally made costumes. I make a good living and work only in the better clubs because I have earned the respect of the owners. Sure I do lap dances, table dances and work the vip areas. I have never once sold myself to any man or woman. I have done some things for which I am not proud but I have hurt anyone or stolen anything. I am not an alcoholic nor am I into drugs. I probably lead a much healthier lifestyle than most people I know or meet. No matter what I do time is going to catch up with me. So many younger dancers out there that are very talented and have great bodies. My time on stage is coming to an end. I won’t be 40 something bitch in some shit hole grinding my boobs in some guys face for peanuts.
I have never been married and only lived with two guys ( a long time ago). I have had two abortions in my life as I could never imagine bringing a child into this lifestyle. I am not gay not into groups sex or any deviant behavior. I just wok, take care of me and live my life. Hope this helps you understand me.
Liz 3 months ago
I have just one question. If you don’t want to get married/have kids/ dance when you are older——what do you see yourself doing?
Paul 3 months ago
That is a very good question. I originally wanted to be a Vet as a kid. That is out at my age and my chances of winning the lottery are pretty low since I never buy a ticket. My resume is not going to be of much help and I just have my High School diploma so brain surgeon is off the table.
I imagine I will end up hustling drinks and tending bar. Know anybody that needs an over the hill dancer in their executive suite??
Liz 3 months ago
Have you ever worked or lived in Nevada?
Don 3 months ago
I have never actually lived in Nevada but I have worked in both Reno and Las Vegas but not in the last couple of years
Liz 3 months ago
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