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Evil actions

Evil actions

I was dating a nice guy. He was good to me and we got along well. Two months into being exclusive I got a call from an ex BF asking me out. I went out with him and we got together three more times and hooked up twice. I felt terrible and broke off the relationship. Still felt terrible and finally had to confess my infidelity and he was so hurt and so pissed that it really killed our love. I made such a poor decision I am ashamed of myself and deserve what I have gotten. I lost a really wonderful guy.
Connie Dating April 24, 2024 at 12:30 pm 1
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7 Confession Comments
How would you compare sex with the nice guy and the ex?
jim 3 months ago
The worst sex I have ever had was still better than none!!!’ Actually the ex was more intense and probably better. Forbidden fruit kind of thing maybe. In the end I won’t be doing it again as I lost the one and the other isn’t responding to me when I call or text. He just wanted to have sex again with me.
Connie 3 months ago
Good luck Connie. Hope you find a steady partner....are you atractive? That makes things difficult, many templarios....

Jim 3 months ago
Attractive is in the eye of the beholder don’t you think. Self appraisal wise I think on a scale of 1-10 I am maybe a 5.5 to maybe a 6.5. My critique of me would be—— decent body but her thighs are to muscular and her boobs could be bigger. Her hair is spectacular but her nose is to turned up on the end. My ears stick out a little and my lips could be a little fuller. I am not ugly and I clean up pretty good.
Connie 3 months ago
Thank you Connie. In my previous noté I meant "temptations" instead of templarios. Is my text "corrector" changing words
Jim 3 months ago
How old are you Connie, you seem to have a high libido....
Ramón 3 months ago
I am 23. Not sure about the other part. I made a huge mistake and it cost me the best guy I have ever been with. So stupid
Connie 3 months ago
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